Today we started what I have assumed is the last week of classes. I really have nothing to go on here, other than the fact that we are leaving next Thursday, and we have an actual examination type test on Tuesday. Whether there will be class on Monday, I have no idea. Time seems to be closing in on us, there's really only nine or so days left. We've been here for just about three weeks already. Sometimes it seems like we arrived in Germany lifetime ago, sometimes time seems to be flying by so quickly that I can't imagine how I'm going to do everything I want to do.
Today, a group of us (Chris, Chris, Jackie, Megan, Adam, Karen, Chris's friend Michael, and I decided to go up the BergBahn to Königstuhl, which is at the top of a mountain in Heidelberg.The Bergbahn is a train that goes straight up the mountain, and it's a little bit terrifying when it stars goes very slowly. Suddenly, all the things that could possibly go wrong in this situation were running rampant through my head and I found myself thinking, "In case of an emergency, the best place for me to be situated would be in the back of the train, underneath the seat. That way, I won't actually go that far, and I'll be packed tightly in a compartment, so I'm less likely to sustain life threatening injuries and/ or death." Despite my slightly morbid thoughts about certain impending doom, Königstuhl is really quite beautiful. It's basically this little Fairy Tale village, with an amusement park, mostly for kids. but Jackie, Chris, Chris and Michael indulged in as much fun as they possibly could in then twenty minutes we arrived before they closed. The rest of us decided to come back one afternoon after classes so that we could optimize our time and money. We do have some awesome photos and videos taken, but if you read this and they are not posted, they will be posted very very soon, so check back.
Adam, Karen, Megan and I decided to go to dinner, and due to the torrential rains, lightning and thunder which suddenly came upon us, we darted into The Dubliner. The Dubliner is an Irish pub that sits nicely on the Hauptstraße. I like eating there - there is something comforting to most Newfoundlanders, I think, about an Irish pub. Tonight, especially, we were treated to the sounds of REAL LIVE IRISH MUSIC, by REAL LIVE IRISH MUSICIANS. Holy heavenly, the sounds of the Irish accent, penetrating our ears! They were a duo, one of whom had a CD for sale, which I purchased. They played "I'm a man you don't meet everyday" by The Pogues.
I was secretly hoping they might play "Galway Girl" or "Fairytale of New York" because they are my two Lieblingsleider (favourite songs), but they felt like we had loitered long enough and left. We did take a video, so we will also post that.
It is late and I still have Hausaufgabe (homework) to complete.
Bis später!